Our Brass


Tactical Ordnance - TACTICOR LLC obtains FIRED brass from Military, Law Enforcement and Civilian ranges and completely reconditions the product for safe and reliable reloading.  In most instances, our fully processed products possess tighter tolerances than those of the original manufacturer's.  Our aim is to provide the new, or experienced reloader with an exceptional cartridge casing they can transform into the highest grade of ammunition.  Our partially processed (deprimed and roll sized) brass casings provide the customer with a "near new" piece of brass for them to further process specifically for their needs.  Please not that military/NATO brass will need the primer crimp swaged. If a customer desires for us to swage the brass (9 mm, .45 ACP, 5.56, 7.62x51 only) please provide that instruction in your order notes.  Other NATO calibers will need swaged by the customer.  If only civilian brass is desired, please provide that instruction in your order notes and we will sort out the Military/NATO for you.

Pre-Process Quality Control

Starting with bulk amounts of fired cartridges from known and trusted sources we are confident that our brass is of the highest quality on the market. It is considered Once-Fired, but since we did not purchase and fire it ourselves, we do not make that claim.  Once at our facility the products are received, weighed, inventoried, and stored in climate controlled buildings. 

Phase I - Initial Cleaning & Sorting

TACTICOR begins its reconditioning process by tumbling the brass to clear away any nested .22 shells, blanks, dummy rounds, training ammunition, dirt, powder and other debris.   We initially sort brass between bulk pistol and rifle brass calibers.  After this, the brass is sent to another sorter where it is again sorted a second time in bulk caliber/diameter product.  The Brass is hand inspected during this sorting to ensure only high-quality cases continue the processing line.  

Phase II – Additional Cleaning and Polishing

After initial cleaning and sorting, brass is then placed in large rotary tumblers that hold a proprietary mixture of dry media and the second cleaning and first polishing is completed. The brass is tumbled and cleaned inside and out with media, resulting in a “mirror like finish” that is ready for additional cleaning and processing. Brass is then electronically screened and blown to remove the dry media. For unprocessed brass, it is then cleaned with a commercial ultrasonic machine to get the inside of cases completely clean.  The brass is wet washed and polished again.  It is then dried with a centrifugal dryer to ensure the pieces do not retain moister and corrode.  Water spots are also removed during our drying process.  This process results in brass that looks "like new," but are still unprocessed, meaning primers have not been punched. The brass is then then stored in VCI (Vapor Corrosive Inhibitor) bags and ready for shipment to customers in an unprocessed state, which allows the customer to reload the brass to their own personal specifications.  

Phase III – Processing (Full & Partial)

 Brass that is fully or partially processed continues from the cleaning and polishing stage onto our processing stations where the casings are inspected, roll sized, deprimed, swaged, trimmed (for rifle brass) and fully sized to SAAMI specifications.  The brass casings are then placed into an ultrasonic cleaner a ensures that casings are completely cleaned inside and out, all lubrication removed, and all primer pockets cleaned.  Casings are then wet washed tumbled, which deburrs the trimmed brass, polished to a high luster and dried. Fully processed brass, ready for reloading is then stored in VCI (Vapor Corrosive Inhibitor) bags and ready for shipment to customers. Partially processed brass is cleaned the same way; however, the primers have been punched and the brass is roll sized.  Once run through the ultrasonic, the customer has brass that is near new as factory, but at a significant cost savings.

Roll Sizing (9mm, .45 ACP, .223/5.56, .308/7.62 Only)

TACTICOR uses the highest quality commercial roll sizing equipment ensuring that brass casings are properly processed.  We roll size all brass (pistol and rifle) after primers are punched. By doing this we ensure that customers receive no bulged cases and that primer pockets are tightened, increasing ammunition chambering and extraction reliability during firing.  

Depriming, Swaging, Trimming & Full Sizing

After roll sizing, cases are deprimed, swaged, trimmed (rifle brass) and full sized to original form and SAAMI specifications.  As cartridge casings expand and lengthen when fired, TACTICOR takes extra care to precisely reshape each product to its original form using caliber specific sizing dies and trimmers.  This process uses strict SAAMI specifications for both the outer diameter and case-mouth dimensions.  Calipers and gauges are used to ensure correct size and length.  For partial processing only deprimed and roll sized and thus ready for the reloader to swage, full size, and trim if necessary

Final Cleaning and Polishing 

During rifle brass processing, a lubricant is used to provide a uniform and concentric form to the cartridge, as well as to protect the reloading press and the brass case itself during resizing and trimming.  To remove the lubricant, TACTICOR cleans and polishes all the brass cartridges in an ultrasonic cleaner and a rotary wet tumbler that both cleans and deburrs trimmed brass and puts a final "mirror like" appearance on the casing. Our casings look better than new when finished and are ready for the reloader at a significant savings.

Phase IV: Final Inspection  

All TACTICOR brass goes thru a final visual and hand inspection station where it is packaged and stored in VCI bags and ready for shipment to the customer.  TACTICOR Brass products are 100% Quality Control Inspected before final packaging to ensure user performance and customer satisfaction.  


TACTICOR offers various packaging solutions, including retail ready packaging, as well as bulk packaging.  Currently we are shipping brass in Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) bags, window zip lock bags, or boxes depending on order size.  The VCI bags have a life of 2-3 years and will keep your brass form corroding. Use the bag for storing a pistol or other metal parts to help keep them rust free.  Packages include at least a 2% overage in case the customer finds a casing that is unsatisfactory for their reloading equipment/weapon.  


Once an order is accepted, our brass is normally shipped within 3 business days unless an item is out of stock and customer elects to wait for it. Our normal shipping method is USPS flat rate shipping.